Undead Crypt

Souls: approximately 34,717

Farming souls at Undead Crypt, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Undead Crypt, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

You should have broken all tombstones in this area to prevent the Leydia Pyromancers from spawning. Otherwise the area can be a nightmare to farm for souls. All sconces in the area should also be lit to help improve the visibility of the area.

Start from the Undead Crypt Entrance bonfire. Equip the Raw Greatsword+10, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Nahr Alma Hood, Nahr Alma Robes, Jester's Gloves, and Tseldora Trousers. If you want, equip the Watchdragon Parma to increase your item discovery. Ascend the staircase to find Royal Guard x 2, each blocking an archway. Behind them is a Torch Hollow and an Imperious Knight. The Imperious Knight is almost impervious while he is blocking with his double great shields. R1 him a few times to make him hostile towards you, then bait an attack and go in for one hit. The room ahead has Leydia Witch x 2 and Undead Laborer x 5. One-hand the Greatsword and run to the back of the room to R1 the furthermost Leydia Witch. The other Leydia Witch would spam magic at you. Use a pillar to block the magic and stand near the pillar to wait for the Undead Laborers to approach you. Then defeat the remaining Leydia Witch. Run past the room where Agdayne is located, exit the room, and drop down to find Undead Laborer x 2. Climb the iron ladder. As soon as a Wall Warrior appears, slide down the ladder a bit and then quickly climb to the top of the ladder to defeat an Undead Laborer. Drop down and use a bow and arrows to snipe the Wall Warrior. Rest at the Undead Ditch bonfire.

Exit the room containing the bonfire and locate an iron ladder at the right corner. Climb the ladder to find a Leydia Witch standing next to an iron chest. Drop down, go up a small flight of stairs, and enter a room to find Wall Warrior x 3. Go along a hallway to find another Wall Warrior x 3 and Imperious Knight x 2. Handle the Imperious Knights as discussed above. Use the narrow hallway to funnel the knights. Reach the end of the hallway and drop down to an area that was previously filled with intact tombstones. Make your way outside to the stairs in front of the Undead Ditch bonfire. Find a lever and drop down to find an Imperious Knight blocking with his shields and standing in front of an iron ladder. Climb the ladder, descend the other ladder, and you should be at the Undead Ditch bonfire again. Rest at the bonfire.

Push ahead to the area in front of the arena of Velstadt. You should have already defeated the Dragonrider who stood next to the Royal Guard x 2. Underneath the flight of stairs is a room where an Undead Laborer stands in front of a bell. Get rid of this enemy and stay inside the room, waiting for another Undead Laborer x 2 to approach you. Ring the bell to spawn Leydia Pyromancer x 4. Use a bow and arrows to lure one Leydia Pyromancer at a time to your location where you can engage in one-to-one combat. Finally, defeat the Royal Guard x 2 at the far end of the room. Run back to the Undead Ditch bonfire.

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