The Lost Bastille

Souls: approximately 21,456

Farming souls at The Lost Bastille, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at The Lost Bastille, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from The Tower Apart bonfire. Equip the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, the Bracing Knuckle Ring, and two-hand the Greatsword+6. Go along a ledge into a room containing a Royal Swordsman and Stray Hound x 3. Knock a gun powder barrel over the edge to cause an explosion, which should kill one or all Stray Hounds. Climb up the iron ladder and kill the lone Undead Jailer. Proceed along the path littered with gun powder barrels to find another Undead Jailer. Royal Swordsman x 2 are found near a bunch of barrels and wooden crates.

Open an iron door and enter the room to lure out Royal Swordsman x 5. Inside the building, you can find another Royal Swordsman x 4. Bait them into attacking the various gun powder barrels and the explosion should kill them. Descend the flight of stairs to find an Undead Citizen and a Royal Swordsman.

Make your way to the McDuff's Workshop bonfire, dispatching of an Undead Jailer along the way. Rest at the bonfire to restore the durability of your equipment. Find Stray Hound x 7 nearby and get rid of them before dealing with the crossbow enemies on raised platforms. Break a wooden barrier to reveal a hole in a wall and enter the building to find an Undead Citizen. Dispatch of the Stray Hound x 2 near the well before dealing with a further Undead Citizen x 2 in a jail cell.

Go to the well and a Royal Swordsman should drop down from a rooftop. Royal Swordsman x 3 are trying to ambush you inside a room. Don't enter the room via the door. Instead, climb an iron ladder, defeat the crossbow enemy near a window, drop down to a platform to defeat the second crossbow enemy, and the third Royal Swordsman should attempt to reach you via a ladder.

The adjacent room contains a Suspicious Shadow who hangs from the ceiling. Ride an elevator up to a room where Undead Citizen x 4 are trying to ambush you. Descend the stairs to find a further Undead Citizen x 8. Make your way down a spiral staircase, underneath which is a Royal Swordsman. Rest at the Servants' Quarters bonfire.

Proceed to Belfry Luna where you would find Bell Keeper x 7, defeat them, and rest at the Upper Ramparts bonfire. Warp to Straid's Cell bonfire and get rid of the Undead Citizen x 5 there. Descend a flight of stairs to find another Undead Citizen x 4. Head outside the building to find a Royal Swordsman hiding around the corner. Go to Sinner's Rise, defeating an Undead Jailer and Royal Swords x 5 on your way to The Saltfort bonfire.

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