Brightstone Cove Tseldora

Souls: approximately 31,807

Farming souls at Brightstone Cove Tseldora, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Brightstone Cove Tseldora, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Royal Army Campsite bonfire. Equip the Warlock Mask, Jester's Gloves, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2, and the Raw Greatsword+8. You should be able to one-hand the Greatsword. Use a bow and arrows to snipe the Falconer x 2 on raised platforms, otherwise they would shoot arrows at you while you fight the other enemies. An Undead Peasant can be found digging at a nearby field. Use a bow and arrows to lure a Falconer to your location, where you can easily engage in one-on-one combat. One Falconer is hiding inside a tent near the bonfire. You should find Enslaved Pig x 2 wandering around near the well. A third Enslaved Pig can be found underground, accessible by dropping down the well.

Go along a path to find a bunch of Undead Peasants, some of whom are standing near two boulders, waiting to ambush you. Use a bow and arrows to shoot the barricades that are holding back the boulders, thus preempting the ambush. Climb a wooden ladder and defeat any surviving Undead Peasants. Descend the ladder to find two groups of Undead Peasants nearby. Faced with a group of Undead Peasants, you might find the one-handed R1 of the Greatsword to be effective at crowd control.

Enter a building to find a cave where Parasite Spider x 3 lie in wait. The cave further ahead has many more Parasite Spiders. You don't need to hold the torch in the left hand to repel the spiders. The one-handed R1 of the Greatsword is effective at targeting multiple spiders. Make your way past the arena where you fought Prowling Magus and the Congregation. Rest at the Chapel Threshold bonfire.

Descend the nearby flight of stairs and defeat Parasite Spider x 2. The adjacent room has a bunch of Parasite Spiders clinging to the ceiling, waiting to drop down and ambush you. Enter the room to trigger the spiders to drop down, then backtrack through the door. The narrow door should funnel the spiders. A Hollow Mage is standing on the edge of a platform. Use a bow and arrows to snipe Hollow Mage x 2 below and Parasite Spider x 2. Backtrack up the staircase and drop down on to the other side. Or use the zip line to reach the other side.

Enter the room where Creighton and Pate were fighting. Go outside to the balcony, where you can safely use a bow and arrows to snipe a bunch of Parasite Spiders. A Parasitized Undead is sitting on a ledge, in front of a Parasite Spider hanging on a wall. Drop down onto a platform and enter a room where you can find Parasitized Undead x 2 and a Parasite Spider. Go outside and drop down to the sand floor. Be wary of Sand Basilisks hiding underneath the sand. A Parasitized Undead is found near a wooden cart. Explore the surrounding buildings and defeat the various groups of Parasite Spiders and Parasitized Undeads. Hollow Mage x 2 are hiding above the Lower Brightstone Cove bonfire.

Proceed to the wooden bridge that leads to the building above Freja's arena. Use a bow and arrows to lure the Undead Peasant x 4 to you. Enter the building and trigger the various Parasite Spiders to drop down. You might have to use a bow and arrows to snipe some spiders that refuse to drop down. Find a Parasitized Undead standing in front of a wooden ladder. Light the torch, climb the ladder, and drop down to the area in front of Freja's arena. The torch should repel the spiders as you make your way to the floor. Note that the torch doesn't repel the Undead Peasant x 3 located on the floor. Use a Homeward Bone to return to the last bonfire where you rested.

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