Forest of Fallen Giants

Before The Last Giant

Souls: approximately 2,860

Farming souls at Forest of Fallen Giants, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Forest of Fallen Giants, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from The Crestfallen's Retreat bonfire. Two-hand the Morning Star or the Mace. Hollow Infantry x 2 are found wandering near the bonfire. Lure one to the bonfire, defeat the enemy, and dispatch of the other enemy. Head for the Ogre up the stream. Fight the Ogre on dry land, not while standing in the water. Bait an attack and position your character behind the Ogre to bait it into sitting down, then get in one or two hits. Rinse and repeat until the Ogre is defeated. Another strategy is to lure the Ogre to the entrance of the nearby cave, where you can find a wooden chest. Bait the Ogre to perform a body slam or a grab attack, or any attack where the Ogre drops to the ground, then get in one or two hits. You have the safety of the cave to rely on. On the other side of the stream sits a lone Hollow Infantry. Fight this enemy after you have defeated the Ogre, then rest at the bonfire.

Get rid of the same Hollow Infantry x 2 near the bonfire and head right to find a tree bridge for crossing the stream. A Hollow Infantry is hiding behind the other side of the bridge, further ahead is an archer, and behind him is a Hollow Infantry playing dead. Get rid of the enemy who's hiding behind the bridge while you avoid the archer. A fourth Hollow Infantry would run out from the right alcove, above which is another enemy waiting to drop down.

Climb a ladder to find a bunch of Hollow Infantries playing dead. Kill one or two enemies nearest to the ladder and head to an opening to find another ladder. Climb up the ladder to trigger a Hollow Infantry to climb down from above, slide down the ladder, and defeat the enemy. Climb the ladder and make your way to the lone Hollow Soldier who watches over the Hollow Infantries playing dead. Defeat the Hollow Soldier and drop down using the opening in the platform. Fight one Hollow Infantry at a time by staying close to the enemy so as not to trigger other nearby enemies who are playing dead.

Proceed through an opening in a giant tree trunk, turn left into a hallway, and prepare for a Hollow Infantry to ambush you. Further along the hallway is an opening to your right, leading to a room containing Hollow Infantry x 3. Approach the opening to trigger two enemies to come out from the room, the third enemy is sitting in a corner of the room. In an alcove adjacent to the room is a Hollow Soldier waiting to ambush you. Further along the hallway is a flight of stairs where you can find a Hollow Infantry and an archer. The area at the top of the stairs contain a Hollow Infantry and a Hollow Soldier who stands on a tree root that hangs directly above the stairs. Beware of archers from afar whom you can't reach at the moment. Climb the ladder and go straight ahead to find a Hollow Soldier. Rest at the Cardinal Tower bonfire.

After The Last Giant

Souls: approximately 4,296

Farming souls after The Last Giant, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls after The Last Giant, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Cardinal Tower bonfire. Two-hand the Morning Star or the Mace. Head outside the iron gates to find a lone Hollow Soldier trying to ambush you at the right corner. Go back inside the room where the bonfire is located, stand a little bit outside the large hole in the wall to lure a Hollow Soldier into the room, where you can safely fight him. Proceed along the path where an Old Ironclad Soldier stands and get rid of the archer who stands on an edge. Now fight the Old Ironclad Soldier. Bait the horizontal swing and run in for one hit. The horizontal swing combo is also a good opportunity. Wait for him to finish the combo and run in for one hit. Underneath the Hollow Soldier who throws Firebomb is an enemy that wields a halberd; defeat this enemy.

Descend the nearby ladder to reach the path leading to where you found Pate. To your right is a hole in a wall. Stand at the entrance of this hole to bait the Hollow Soldiers inside to fire the ballistae. If you do it right, the great arrows should hit a bunch of gun powder barrels and cause an explosion, thus killing some enemies. Alternatively, the great arrows can hit a Hollow Soldier who runs outside to fight you. Next, dispatch of the Hollow Soldier x 3 who were firing the ballistae. Proceed along the path that leads to a giant corpse. Fight the Hollow Soldier who is sitting on the ground, then the Hollow Soldier x 2 who are attacking the giant corpse.

Climb the nearby ladder and turn left into a hallway with a descending staircase. The hallway leads to the courtyard next to where Pate previously sat. Defeat Hollow Infantry x 3 and Hollow Soldier x 2. Head for the door that leads to the arena of The Pursuer, but don't go through the door. Defeat the Hollow Soldier x 2 nearby and an Old Ironclad Soldier. Walk halfway up a massive inclined anchor to bait Hollow Infantry x 4 to drop down. Make your way along the hallway that leads to the shortcut to the Cardinal Tower bonfire. To your right is a Hollow Soldier sitting on the ground. To your left is the door leading to a ladder. Defeat the Hollow Soldier sitting near the door. A Hollow Soldier who wields a halberd would cross the stone bridge to fight you. On either side of the bridge is a Hollow Soldier playing dead. One plays dead near a door and the other plays dead near a hole in a wall. Make your way to the Cardinal Tower bonfire.

After The Pursuer

Souls: approximately 4,764

Farming souls after the Pursuer, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls after the Pursuer, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Cardinal Tower bonfire. Two-hand the Bastard Sword, or use the Morning Star or Mace if you prefer. Descend the nearby ladder and defeat Hollow Soldier x 4 near the bottom of the ladder. Go through the shortcut door near the ladder and to your right is a Hollow Soldier sitting on the ground. Straight ahead are Hollow Soldier x 2 who wield shields and spears. Bait both enemies to thrust with their spears, wait for them to finish their combo, and run in for the kill. An Ironclad Soldier is hiding behind a cart laden with wooden boxes. Walk halfway up the inclined anchor to bait Hollow Infantry x 4 to drop down.

Make your way through the door that leads to The Pursuer. At the top of the first flight of stairs is a Royal Swordsman. A second Royal Swordsman would run down from the second flight of stairs. The third Royal Swordsman stands at the top of the third flight of stairs, close to an archer. Run across the arena where you fought The Pursuer to find Hollow Soldier x 2 attacking a giant corpse.

Drop down a ledge onto a platform above where you fought the Old Ironclad Soldier behind a cart. Proceed through a hallway leading to a bunch of barrels, some of which contain gun powder. Don't dawdle near the barrels; two enemies above would throw Firebombs at the gun powder barrels. Lure Hollow Soldier x 2 away from the barrels and fight them.

Head for the giant corpse. Defeat a Hollow Soldier who is sitting against a wall and Hollow Soldier x 2 who are attacking the giant corpse. Hollow Soldier x 4 can be found near the ballistae that aim their great arrows through a hole in a wall. Climb the ladder near the Cardinal Tower bonfire to defeat Hollow Soldier x 2. One wields a spear, the other wields a halberd. Go straight ahead and turn left to find a Hollow Infantry archer and an Old Ironclad Soldier. Be wary of the enemy throwing Firebomb from atop a raised platform. Enter the room where the bonfire is located and proceed through the iron gates to find a lone Hollow Soldier. Finish your route at the Cardinal Tower bonfire.

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