Drangleic Castle

Souls: approximately 60,077

Farming souls at Drangleic Castle, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Drangleic Castle, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Ruined Fork Road bonfire. Have some Poison Moss ready. Equip the Raw Greatsword+10, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Warlock Mask, and Jester's Gloves. Proceed to the Shrine of Winter, defeating Falconer x 4 and various other enemies along the way. You might want to one-hand the Greatsword and R1 to deal with each apparition-like enemy. From the Shrine of Winter, push forward to the entrance of Drangleic Castle. The Primal Knight x 2 on the staircase before the entrance can be difficult to handle because they would gank you. Get in one hit and back away. Rinse and repeat. Defeat the Royal Swordsman x 2 in front of the entrance. Slowly approach one of the statues to see whether it would transform into a Royal Guard. There should be Royal Guard x 3. Enter the castle and find the same statues scattered in a hallway. Four of these statues would transform into Royal Guards, one of which is blocking the door to the King's Gate bonfire. Open the door and enter the room to find a Royal Swordsman disguised as a statue. Descend the iron ladder and rest at the King's Gate bonfire.

Equip the Tower Shield. Enter the room repleted with Stone Soldiers. Use the one-handed R1 of the Greatsword to dispatch of one Stone Soldier at a time. Beware: one or more Ruin Sentinels would run out of their rooms to fight you. Try to lure only one Ruin Sentinel out of their room and into a different, but larger room to fight. Use the Tower Shield to block and strafe behind, then get in one hit. Make your way to the Central Castle Drangleic bonfire. Along the way, you would find numerous statues of Royal Swordsman and Royal Guard, some of which are actual enemies in disguise. You must get past a room filled with poison traps. Consume a Poison Moss if necessary. Rest at the Central Castle Drangleic bonfire.

Climb a steep iron ladder to reach a room filled with statues of Stone Soldiers. Get close to the door to trigger a Wall Warrior to appear. The adjacent room has Manikin x 2 clinging to the ceiling. Use the doorway to funnel these enemies. The adjacent large hall contains various Old Knights. One Old Knight can be found standing at the top of a staircase. Use a bow and arrows to lure the enemy down. Use the Tower Shield to block attacks, strafe behind the knight, and get in one hit. Two other Old Knights can be found on the top floor. Lure them to the entrance connecting the room where the Manikin x 2 were found. The Old Knights are too large to get through the entrance, giving you an opportunity to cheese the enemies. Two-hand the Greatsword, get in one hit, and back away. Exit the large hall to find an Alonne Knight Captain and a Gargoyle standing on the rooftop of a building. Use a bow and arrows to cheese the Alonne Knight Captain. Climb a ladder to reach the rooftop, where you can fight the Gargoyle. Use the Tower Shield to block attacks, strafe behind the Gargoyle, and get in one hit. Enter a room underneath to find Desert Sorceress x 2. Use a bow and arrows to cheese each enemy. A Wall Warrior is found near the entrance door. Exit the other door to find the Central Castle Drangleic bonfire. Push ahead to the area in front of the arena of Looking Glass Knight. Approach the boss arena to trigger Stone Knight x 4 to wake up and attack you.

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