Doors of Pharros

Souls: approximately 10,245

Farming souls at Doors of Pharros, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Doors of Pharros, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Gyrm's Respite bonfire. Equip the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Warlock Mask, and Jester's Gloves. A Raw Greatsword+7 is recommended. Defeat a nearby Primal Knight. While you fight this enemy, a Gyrm Warrior would slowly walk down an inclined path towards you. Go up the inclined path to find a Gyrm kneeling in front of a wooden chest. Take the opportunity to backstab the Gyrm.

Backtrack to the bonfire and proceed through a narrow opening to find a Primal Knight and a Dog Rat. Wait for the Dog Rat to run towards you, dispatch of the enemy, and then fight the Primal Knight. You might want to equip the Ash Knuckle Ring because a Dog Rat can build up your petrify metre. Locate a Pharros contraption on the floor in the water. You should have inserted a Pharros' Lockstone into that contraption to reveal a small opening, behind which is a Primal Knight. The enemy can't reach you through the small opening. Use the opportunity to cheese the Primal Knight. Proceed along the right wall to find a room where Dog Rat x 2 are waiting to charge at you.

Climb a stone ladder and make your way along a path, fighting Gyrm x 3 along the way. Go through an entrance to find Gyrm Warrior x 3 on elevated platforms. You will find three Pharros contraptions side by side. You should have inserted a Pharros' Lockstone into the middle contraption to reveal a small opening. The Primal Knight inside won't be able to reach you through the small opening. Cheese the Primal Knight as per above. Rest at the Ordeal's End bonfire if you want.

Make your way to Brightstone Cove Tseldora. A Gyrm Warrior who wields two great axes is blocking your path. Bait him into throwing both weapons at you, then fight him. Push forward to find a Gyrm kneeling in front of a sconce and take the opportunity to backstab this enemy. A Gyrm Warrior is waiting near the exit of Doors of Pharros. Rest at the Royal Army Campsite bonfire.

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