Dragon Shrine

Souls: approximately 80,616

Farming souls at Dragon Shrine, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Dragon Shrine, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Shrine Entrance bonfire. Two-hand the Raw Greatsword+10 and equip these: Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Nahr Alma Hood, Nahr Alma Robes, Jester's Gloves, and Tseldora Trousers. If you want, equip the Watchdragon Parma to increase your item discovery.

Go up the stairs to find a Drakekeeper and the first group of Dragon Knight x 2. Use a bow and Poison Arrows to poison the Drakekeeper. Once the Drakekeeper is poisoned, use Wood Arrows or Iron Arrows to chip the enemy's HP. One backstab from the Raw Greatsword+10 should kill any of the passive Dragon Knights. All Dragon Knights from the group would be hostile towards you as soon as you attack a Dragon Knight. Use the one-handed R1 of the Greatsword to fight a hostile Dragon Knight. Whenever you're overwhelmed by multiple Dragon Knights, sprint to the bridge that connects Dragon Shrine to Dragon Aerie. Ascend another staircase and use the above strategy to deal with the Drakekeeper and Dragon Knight x 2. Make your way through an archway and go up two flights of stairs to find Dragon Knight x 2. Drop off a ledge to find a Drakekeeper and another Dragon Knight x 2. Drop off another ledge to find a wooden chest and the summon sign of Bashful Ray. Here you would find a Drakekeeper and a Dragon Knight. Now summon Bashful Ray to help you distract the final horde of Dragon Knights before the arena of the Ancient Dragon. Use a bow and arrows to lure one Dragon Knight at a time to your location. If multiple enemies are running towards you, use the narrow hallway to help you funnel the enemies. Use the Aged Feather to warp back to the last bonfire at which you rested.

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