No-man's Wharf

Souls: approximately 15,000

Farming souls at No-man's Wharf, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at No-man's Wharf, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Unseen Path to Heide bonfire. Equip the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1 and two-hand the Greatsword. You might have to equip the Royal Soldier's Ring to maintain your Equip Load below 70%. Have a secondary weapon ready in case the Greatsword is low on durability. All or most of the sconces at No-man's Wharf should now be lit and you should have unlocked all shortcuts.

Head to the very first Hollow Infantry playing dead next to a sconce. Get rid of this enemy and then lure the nearby Stray Hound away from its position. Cross the wooden platform and head for the Hollow Infantry archer. Beware of Varangian Sailors trying to ambush you by hanging from the edge of platforms. Dispatch of the archer first, then deal with any nearby enemies. Proceed to the ship and defeat Varangian Sailor x 2 and an Undead Jailer.

Go to the dwelling where Hollow Infantry x 2 are playing dead. Above the dwelling is a Varangian Sailor who snipes you. Defeat a Hollow Infantry who plays dead next to a sconce and wait for Hollow Infantry x 4 to run out from two dwellings. An Undead Laborer is found nearby. Kill this enemy for a chance to obtain a torch and wait for a Varangian Sailor to drop down from a platform.

Make your way to the building where you found Lucatiel. Defeat a Varangian Sailor and a Stray Hound. A Hollow Infantry is playing dead inside an opening in a wall. Approach this enemy and another Varangian Sailor would run down the stairs toward you. Stray Hound x 2, Varangian Sailor x 2, and a Hollow Infantry are waiting to ambush you at the top of the stairs.

Run to the path where Dark Stalkers are stationed and fight one Dark Stalker at a time. If you're unable to hold the torch in the left hand and one-hand your weapon, then two-hand your weapon. Bait the double horizontal swings, the double arm ground slam, or the arm thrust, then run in for one hit. Spacing is important when fighting a Dark Stalker because this enemy hits hard and each hit builds up your bleed metre. Defeat the Dark Stalker x 4 inside the building where you collected the Greatsword, outside the building stands a Varangian Sailor archer.

Enter the nearby wooden shack to find Varangian Sailor x 2 up the stairs. Exit the shack and find the bell you rang. Drop down the platform where the bell is located and enter a building to find Dark Stalker x 2. Outside the building are Varangian Sailor x 2: one standing on an edge and the other hanging from the edge waiting to ambush you. Above your head is a wooden platform, underneath which is a Suspicious Shadow who clings to the platform. Another Suspicious Shadow clings underneath a platform below you. Suspicious Shadows are dangerous because they are fast and each hit builds up your bleed metre.

Enter a building to find drunken Varangian Sailor x 2 napping, resting their heads on a table. Take the opportunity to backstab one enemy. Let the other enemy attack the poison pots and wait for him to die from the poison. Enter the building where you found Gavlan to defeat the lone Varangian Sailor inside. Proceed through the shortcut to find a gang of Varangian Sailors: two stand on a wooden platform and 11 are inside a building, three of whom are drunk napping. Backtrack through the shortcut and proceed to the shack where Dark Stalker x 2 are located. Run back to the Unseen Path to Heide bonfire.

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