Iron Keep

Souls: approximately 53,328

Farming souls at Iron Keep, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Iron Keep, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Threshold Bridge bonfire. Equip the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Jester's Gloves, and Raw Greatsword+6. Equip the Warlock Mask if you have it. Defeat the Alonne Knight on the bridge. Stand near the opened iron doors, facing the first fire-breathing bull head. Move your character slightly inside the building to lure an Alonne Knight at the top-right corner to approach you and fight him outside the building. Go inside the building, turn right, and ascend a flight of stairs to defeat Alonne Knight x 2. Find two illusory walls. An Alonne Knight is standing behind the second illusory wall. Descend a staircase and you should see an Alonne Knight running towards you.

Enter the area containing a lava pool. Stick to the left path and Alonne Knight x 3 should run towards you. Defeat these three enemies. Cross the draw bridge to find an Alonne Knight shooting great arrows. The draw bridge is lowered by pulling two levers. A further Alonne Knight x 4 would run towards you. Run to the other side of the bridge to find Alonne Knight Captain x 2, one to your left and one to your right. Backstab each enemy one at a time. Backtrack to the middle of the bridge, locate an Alonne Knight hiding underneath a ledge, and use a bow and arrows to lure this enemy towards you. Drop down from the bridge, and onto the iron staircase, to fight the enemy. Drop down onto the platform where the Alonne Knight was hiding, open an iron door, and climb an iron ladder to find an Alonne Knight Captain standing in front of another iron ladder. Climb the second iron ladder and drop down onto a platform where another Alonne Knight Captain is standing. Perform a plunging attack if possible. Backtrack through the draw bridge and rest at the Ironhearth Hall bonfire.

Ahead is an Alonne Knight and to your right is a passage leading to a bridge where Alonne Knight x 2 and an Ironclad Soldier stand. Use a bow and arrows to lure one Alonne Knight at a time to your location. As you approach the Ironclad Soldier, he would start pummeling a segment of the bridge. After a few hits, the segment would break and you must jump over the opening to reach the other side of the bridge. However, if you're quick enough you can get in one hit and draw the attention of the Ironclad Soldier towards you.

Cross the bridge. Ahead is a lever and to your left is an iron door. Wait behind the lever for an Alonne Knight to drop down and fight you. Go up the staircase and wait for an Ironclad Soldier to run towards you. Use a bow and arrows to bait each of the remaining enemies to your location near the staircase. Make your way through the maze-like paths and proceed along a narrow hallway to find a descending flight of stairs. An Alonne Knight would drop down and run at you. Above you is another Alonne Knight standing on a narrow iron beam. Defeat the first enemy, then use a ranged weapon to lure the second down. Descend the staircase and enter a narrow path to find an Ironclad Soldier. A second Ironclad Soldier is hiding behind a corner, trying to ambush you. A third Ironclad Soldier is found further ahead along the path.

Backtrack through the narrow passageway and the staircase and locate an Alonne Knight Captain standing on a platform below. Use a bow and arrows to cheese this enemy. Pull the lever found near the iron door and you should find an Alonne Knight shooting great arrows. Open the iron door and make your way to Belfry Sol, where you should defeat all Bell Keepers. Backtrack to the iron door near the lever. Go along the platform, climb an iron ladder, then climb another iron ladder. Ascend a flight of stairs and you should see Alonne Knight Captain x 3. Use a Homeward Bone to return to the Ironhearth Hall bonfire.

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