Huntsman's Copse

Souls: approximately 13,188

Farming souls at Huntsman's Copse, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Huntsman's Copse, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Undead Refuge bonfire. Equip the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1, Bracing Knuckle Ring, and two-hand a Raw Greatsword+6. Proceed through the cave and defeat Undead Prisoner x 6. An Undead Prisoner is hanging from the edge near the Bridge Approach bonfire. A Rogue stands at the top of a building, waiting to ambush you. Go to the entrance of the building to trigger the Rogue to drop down. Alternatively, use a bow and arrows to snipe the Rogue from afar. Run inside the building and go to the wooden door to bait the Rogue inside to break the door, then backtrack and run outside again. A number of enemies would follow you outside. Make your way through the broken door to find another Rogue. The room has another Rogue x 2 and Undead Prisoner x 4. Climb the iron ladder to the rooftop to find Rogue x 2. Drop down from the roof and rest at the Bridge Approach bonfire.

A wooden ladder is found nearby, at the top of which is a Rogue waiting to ambush you. Stand near the ladder to bait the Rogue to drop down. Make your way to the Undead Lockaway bonfire. On your way, kill Undead Prisoner x 2 and a Rogue before crossing the first stone arch bridge. A Torturer can be seen standing near an edge. Use bow and arrows to lure the Torturer to drop down. This enemy is dangerous because they hit hard and can build up your bleed metre. Wait a while for an Undead Prisoner to drop down from the same edge. Cross the bridge to find an Artificial Undead and a nearby Undead Prisoner. Use bow and arrows to snipe the various Great Moths that rain poison mist. Locate another Artificial Undead standing in a corner.

Enter one of the mounds to summon Bashful Ray to help you clear the area. A Rogue stands atop a mound near the second stone arch bridge. Cross the bridge to find a Torturer and a skeleton. Go through a narrow passage and locate Torturer x 5 standing on elevated platforms, trying to ambush you. Use a bow and arrows to lure one Torturer to drop down at a time. Head for the bridge that leads to the Undead Lockaway bonfire. Be wary of Rogue x 3 and a Stray Hound trying to ambush you. An Undead Prisoner is playing dead inside the mound where you pull a lever to lower the bridge. Rest at the Undead Lockaway bonfire.

Travel along the outside path that leads to the arena of Skeleton Lords and back to the bonfire again. (You can choose to first go through the cave if you want.) Rogue x 4 are found on the path before the fork near where Merciless Roenna invaded you. Further along you will find Rogue x 5 and Undead Prisoner x 2 within a cave. Head into the cave where Skeleton x 8 are located. Be wary of the curse pots. Stay far away from them or roll into them. Rest at the Undead Lockaway bonfire.

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