Heide's Tower of Flame

Souls: approximately 8,220

Farming souls at Heide's Tower of Flame, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Farming souls at Heide's Tower of Flame, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Start from the Tower of Flame bonfire. Equip the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1 and two-hand the Bastard Sword. Go to the arena where you fought the Dragonrider and wait near the Old Knight for the wandering Heide Knight to approach you. All Heide Knights should be aggressive toward you because the Dragonrider is defeated. Fight the Heide Knight within the arena, then defeat the Old Knight. If the Guardian Dragon is still alive, you should be able to summon Masterless Glencour to help you distract an enemy while you look for opportunities to deal damage or fish for backstab. Fight one enemy at a time and use the Short Bow and arrows to lure an enemy toward you or Glencour.

In the rotunda where Old Knight x 3 are located, use the Short Bow and arrows to shoot at the nearest Old Knight, then run to the entrance of the Dragonrider arena. Two Old Knights would likely chase after you. Wait near the entrance for one Old Knight to return to his original position, allowing you the opportunity to fight one-on-one with an Old Knight. Let Glencour distract a Heide Knight while you look for opportunities to backstab. Use the Black Separation Crystal to send Glencour home. End your route at the Heide's Ruin bonfire.

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