Northern Undead Asylum

In which you grab your pyromancer starting gears and break out of a sanatorium.

1. An SL1 runner is born, Dark Souls: Remastered
1. An SL1 runner is born, Dark Souls: Remastered

The beginning is no different from your first regular playthrough. Break out of your jail cell and make your way to the first bonfire. Light the bonfire and rest. Open the door to the arena of the Asylum Demon, but do not engage it yet because you need to first collect your pyromancer starting equipment. Upon entering the arena, head for the entrance that is diagonally to your left. Another bonfire is located nearby. Light that bonfire and rest as necessary. Exit via the other opening to collect the Cracked Round Shield and the Hand Axe. The latter will be your weapon for the upcoming boss fight. Enter the fog wall, descend a flight of stairs, and open a shortcut to the first bonfire. Use the giant metal boulder to break a wall and speak to Oscar to receive your Estus Flask and the Undead Asylum F2 East Key. Ascend a flight of stairs, open the locked gate, and collect the Pyromancy Flame. Although this guide will not discuss pyromancy strategies against bosses, you are still encouraged to use pyromancy against regular enemies. The Pyromancy Flame allows you to cast Fireball; use it whenever you need a ranged strategy against regular enemies.

Asylum Demon

2. SL1 Asylum Demon, Dark Souls: Remastered
2. SL1 Asylum Demon, Dark Souls: Remastered

This tutorial boss is the same as any playthrough. Two-hand the Hand Axe and initiate the fight by performing a plunging attack to drain the HP bar of the boss by approximately one-third. The remainder of the fight is about positioning your character behind the boss, get in one or two hits, and move outside the range of the boss' attacks.

3. Northern Undead Asylum, Soul of a Lost Undead, Dark Souls: Remastered
3. Northern Undead Asylum, Soul of a Lost Undead, Dark Souls: Remastered

Defeat the Asylum Demon, open the door, and exit the arena to collect a Soul of a Lost Undead. Let the giant crow carry you to Firelink Shrine.

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