Iron Keep
Your current objective at Iron Keep is to unlock the services of Magerold. On your way to Magerold, you would be invaded by one of two NPC red phantoms. Dark spirit Fencer Sharron is easy to cheese. Trigger her invasion, use the bridge to jump onto the tiny ledge of a column, and from the ledge snipe Fencer Sharron. In case you're invaded by Armorer Dennis, equip the Spell Quartz Ring+1 and look for opportunities to backstab.
Locate Magerold and exhaust his dialogue. He sells an unlimited number of Charcoal Pine Resin. Stock up on Charcoal Pine Resin and purchase the Jester armour set. The Jester's Cap raises your item discovery, while the Jester's Tights reduces fall damage. The Jester's Tights will be used later on to help you survive the fall down the Pit at Majula. Also purchase the following items from Magerold: Fragrant Branch of Yore and Repair Powder. Spend at least 10,000 souls in his shop, exhaust his dialogue again, and Magerold would gift you the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1. Obtain the ring as soon as possible as it will be useful during a later farming session.
Heide's Tower of Flame
Near the Unseen Path to Heide bonfire is a Basilisk, behind which is a petrified enemy. Kill the Basilisk and all nearby Hollow Soldiers, unpetrify the statue, and ascend the staircase to collect an Estus Flask Shard. Use the Fragrant Branch of Yore you purchased from Magerold.
Shaded Woods
Estus Flask Shard near the Old Akelarre bonfire
Location of Chloranthy Ring+1, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
Start from Majula and make your way to the Old Akelarre bonfire. Use a Fragrant Branch of Yore to unpetrify Rosabeth, then collect an Estus Flask Shard from inside a chest near the Old Akelarre bonfire. Near the Forked Ruin Road bonfire is a Pharros' Lockstone. Grab the Lockstone because you need one for Iron Keep. Head into the misty woods to grab the Chloranthy Ring+1. Next, locate Vengarl, stock up on a dozen or so Gold Pine Resins, and head over to the Shaded Ruins bonfire.
Titanite Chunk x 2 at Shaded Woods
Near the Shaded Ruins bonfire is a Royal Knight who protects a chest containing a Sublime Bone Dust. Defeat the knight and grab the Sublime Bone Dust. Collect Titanite Chunk x 2. One chunk is from a Crystal Lizard, the other chunk from a wooden chest located on an elevated platform above the Shaded Ruins bonfire. Altogether, you should now have Titanite Chunk x 5.
If you have a Fragrant Branch of Yore, consider using it to rescue Ornifex. Near the Shaded Ruins bonfire is a petrified Lion Clan Warrior who can be seen from across a wooden bridge. Unpetrify the warrior and defeat it to obtain the Fang Key. Drop down to a nest of Basilisks, kill the Basilisks, and use the Fang Key to open a locked room that imprisons Ornifex. The room has a Fragrant Branch on a corpse so you won't lose a Fragrant Branch by rescuing this NPC. Ornifex is a weapon smith. While you can't use most if not all weapons that she has on offer, rescuing Ornifex has the benefit that once she relocates to Brightstone Cove Tseldora she would sell an unlimited number of Fire Arrows and Fire Bolts. Fire projectiles are particularly effective against the Sanctum Knights and Sanctum Soldiers in the Crown of the Sunken King DLC. Stock up on Fire Arrows and Fire Bolts in case you need to start a blaze or to deal with enemies that are weak against fire.
Scorpioness Najka
Najka is weak against fire. Buff your Mace+6 with Charcoal Pine Resin that you bought from Magerold or use the Mace+6 that has been infused with a Firedrake Stone. The boss arena has a slab of stone protruding from the sand. During the fight, Najka would sometimes burrow into the sand, walk around underground, and then surfaces to catch you with a surprise hit. Stand on the stone slab and Najka won't be able to hit you as she resurfaces.
Doors of Pharros
Make your way to Doors of Pharros and skip the area boss for now. Light the Gyrm's Respite bonfire because Gavlan's final location is near this bonfire. Visit Gavlan whenever you need to stock up on Poison Arrows and anything else from his shop.
Titanite Chunk at Doors of Pharros
One Titanite Chunk can be collected from a wooden chest that, once opened, expels poison gas. With this chunk, you now have Titanite Chunk x 6, enough to upgrade the Rapier to +9. You should also have a Titanite Slab, in particular the slab you collected at the Forest of Fallen Giants. Collect a Titanite Slab from McDuff after spending at least 14,000 souls by having him infuse and upgrade your weapons. Another slab can be collected at Harvest Valley. In all, the Rapier can now be upgraded to +10. Farm the Gyrm Warriors for Titanite Chunks to upgrade a Mace to +9. After upgrading the Rapier to +10, you should have Titanite Slab x 2 left. Use one slab to upgrade the Mace to +10 as well. On your way to the Royal Army Campsite bonfire, you will encounter a Crystal Lizard. Kill the lizard for Large Titanite Shard x 3.
Upper Brightstone Cove Tseldora
There is Titanite Shard x 1 and Large Titanite Shard x 1. Apart from these, other treasures in the area can be ignored.
Farm the Peasant set and Titanite Chunks
Farm the Undead Peasants for the Peasant armour set. Equip these for decent item discovery while you farm: Jester's Cap, Prisoner's Tatters, Watchdragon Parma, and Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1. Apart from the Peasant Hat, the other three armour pieces in the Peasant set each raises your Adaptability by two points at the cost of minus one point in Intelligence. Equipping the Peasant Attire, Peasant Long Gloves, and Peasant Trousers should raise your Adaptability by six points. Your Adaptability can be raised to 14 by equipping these: Handmaid's Ladle in the left hand, Peasant Attire, Peasant Long Gloves, and Peasant Trousers. The Peasant Hat doesn't raise your Adaptability; the item raises Intelligence by two points. The Undead Peasants can also be farmed for these items: Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard, and Titanite Chunk.
Prowling Magus and the Congregation
SL1 Prowling Magus and Congregation
Defeat the boss and be rewarded with a Titanite Slab. This should be your fourth slab. Buff your Mace+10 with Gold Pine Resin or Charcoal Pine Resin. First, concentrate on getting rid of the two priests who use a lightning miracle because these mages can heal their allies. Stand behind a pew whenever you want to heal. The lightning from the mages would hit the pew. Next, circle around the Prowling Magus, i.e. the enemy that wears a Warlock Mask, and look for opportunities to get in one or two hits. Finally, get rid of the regular hollows.
Lower Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Brightstone Cove Tseldora: Estus Flask Shard, Titanite Chunk x 6, and Titanite Slab
Light the Chapel Threshold bonfire. Grab an Estus Flask Shard inside a room that can only be accessed by dropping down from above. Collect Titanite Chunk x 6 and a Titanite Slab. This should be your fifth slab. There's another Titanite Chunk that can only be collected by dropping down from above. The platforming required to grab this chunk can be rather tricky.