Nashandra & Aldia

Your SL1 journey is nearly complete. All that remains is to defeat the last two bosses of the game.


SL1 Nashandra, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
SL1 Nashandra, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Equip the Hollow Skin or one of the blessed crowns to prevent hollowing during the fight. Consume Elizabeth Mushroom for HP regeneration because being close to Nashandra would chip your HP. Buff the Rapier with Gold Pine Resin or use a Rapier that has been infused with a Boltstone. This fight is mostly dangerous whenever your character is close to the boss. You might want to use a ranged weapon such as the Avelyn and Lightning Bolts, position your character far from the boss, and look for opportunities to fire the Avelyn.


SL1 Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin, Dark Souls 2: SotFS
SL1 Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin, Dark Souls 2: SotFS

Use the same setup as per the fight against Nashandra, but you might want to swap the Hollow Skin out for another head piece such as the Mad Warrior Mask. Use Throwing Knives, or the Avelyn and Lightning Bolts, to chip the boss' HP whenever you can't be near the boss.

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