The Ringed City

There are not many useful items to collect at the Ringed City, except for three rings you might find useful. Havel's Ring+3 increases your maximum equip load by 19%. This ring allows you to equip heavy armour pieces so you can tank a few hits from a boss, useful for learning a boss' attack patterns. The Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3 increases your Item Discovery by 115 points. The ring is useful in conjunction with Rusted (Gold) Coins and the Symbol of Avarice to help you farm rare items. The Chloranthy Ring+3 boosts your Stamina regeneration by 10 points per second. The effect of the ring stacks with that of the Grass Crest Shield to boost your Stamina regeneration by 14 points per second.

Location of Havel's Ring+3, Dark Souls III
Location of Havel's Ring+3, Dark Souls III

Location of Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3, Dark Souls III
Location of Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3, Dark Souls III

Location of Chloranthy Ring+3, Dark Souls III
Location of Chloranthy Ring+3, Dark Souls III

Follow Shira's quest line to receive a Titanite Slab. Shira is in a room you cannot open yet. Exhaust her dialogue and answer "Gwyn". Accept her request to slay a dragon, i.e. Midir, and exhaust her dialogue again. Light the Shared Grave bonfire. Knock Midir off the bridge to unlock the fight against the dragon. Defeat Midir and exhaust Shira's dialogue to be gifted with a Titanite Slab.

SL1 Midir on the Bridge, Dark Souls III
SL1 Midir on the Bridge, Dark Souls III

Darkeater Midir

SL1 Darkeater Midir, Dark Souls III
SL1 Darkeater Midir, Dark Souls III

A colossal tank with high defense and a huge HP pool. You must have already knocked Midir off the bridge in order to unlock the fight against it as a boss. The boss is a behemoth. Its movement is not as fast as the Gravetender Greatwolf. You should be at less than 30% weight ratio to allow you maximum running speed to catch up with Midir. Cast Tears of Denial to help you tank one hit. The boss is weak against lightning so use the Raw Dragonslayer's Axe+10 and buff it with Gold Pine Resin/Bundle. Hit Midir's head to inflict maximum damage.

The general rule for fighting Midir is to always position your character in front of it, not far away and not too close. Being in front of Midir helps you to read its attacks because its attacks are well telegraphed. Being in front of the boss and near its head helps to limit its move set because there is less chance for it to perform a charged head thrust, an attack that can be difficult to dodge. Move with Midir to constantly be in front of it.

You have at least three windows to get in at least one hit on Midir's head. The first window is when Midir swipes with its arms, followed by a fire breath that shoots straight ahead. Be close to Midir's head, roll through the arm swipes, and dash to your right towards the boss' head to get in one or two hits. The second window is when Midir performs multiple arm swipes, followed by an overhead slam. Roll or run away backward, wait for the combo to finish, and go in for one or two hits. The third window is when Midir performs a delayed mouth grab. Roll or dash backward outside the range of the mouth grab and run in to hit Midir's head. There are other windows to safely punish the boss. One is where Midir stands on its hind legs and breathe fire underneath itself. Move backward to be outside the range of the fire, buff your weapon, wait for the fire to fade, and run in for one hit. Another window is where Midir breathes fire as it walks from one end of the arena to the other end. Constantly be close behind Midir and beware of the tail swipe as Midir finishes its walk. If you are fast enough, you can run in to hit Midir's head.

Halflight, Spear of the Church

SL1 Cheese Halflight, Spear of the Church, Dark Souls III
SL1 Cheese Halflight, Spear of the Church, Dark Souls III

A gank fight against at most three humanoid enemies. At the start of the fight, you face one enemy, i.e a Painting Guardian. Kill this enemy as quickly as possible because Halflight would soon spawn, making this potentially a two-versus-one fight. Later on in the fight, another Painting Guardian would spawn, meaning it is possible to be ganked by three humanoid enemies who can be as fast as your character. Like the fight against the Graventender and Greatwolf, this fight feels less of a fair challenge and more of artificial difficulty. I would recommend you to cheese Halflight by using the weapon art of the Storyteller's Staff and Toxic Mist.

Slave Knight Gael

SL1 Slave Knight Gael, Dark Souls III
SL1 Slave Knight Gael, Dark Souls III

This boss does not give you many safe windows to punish and it can take a while for an opening to occur. However, the boss is vulnerable to poison and toxic, meaning that you should inflict poison on Gael and while he is poisoned bait out an attack and go in for the punish. Use the Poison Rotten Ghru Dagger+10 to poison Gael. The weapon art of the Storyteller's Staff is preferred, but casting the weapon art can leave you open to Gael's attacks. The boss is also vulnerable to frostbite and bleed. For frostbite, use the Irithyll Straight Sword+5 in the right hand and the (Follower) Torch in the left hand. Trigger frostbite with the sword and attack with the torch to reset Gael's frostbite metre. Instead of the (Follower) Torch, consider using the Fire Dagger+10 to help you maintain a weight ratio below 30%. To bleed Gael, use the Blood Bandit's Knife+10 or the Blood Warden Twinblades+10. Gael is also weak against lightning so buff your weapon with Gold Pine Resin/Bundle.

The fight is divided into three phases, during each of which you should poison Gael and wait for an opening. Cast Tears of Denial and equip decent armour pieces to allow you to tank at least one hit. During phase one, a safe window to attack is when Gael jumps into the air and impales the ground with his sword. Roll into him and get in two hits. Another safe window is when he performs a delayed, charged thrust. If you are far enough away from him, roll into the attack and get in one or two hits. In case you are close to him, roll with the attack and get in one or two hits.

Phase two does not give you many safe windows to punish. Position your character close to Gael, but not too close. The safest window for a punish is when Gael performs one or two horizontal swipes, followed by a delayed thrust. Roll away (or through) the first swing, be out of the range of the second swing, wait for Gael to start the delayed thrust, strafe run to your right to be behind him, and get in one or two hits. Apart from the delayed thrust, you have a few safe-ish windows to punish. You can roll through one or two horizontal swings (or the overhead attack), position your character behind Gael, and get in one hit. Roll through the Way of White Corona and be at the opposite position to the Corona, otherwise the miracle would hit you when it boomerangs back to Gael. If you are close enough to Gael, you can roll into him and get in one hit. Gael's crossbow can fire a volley of bolts. Strafe run to your left or right to wait for the attack to end. In case you are very close to Gael, you can roll into him a few times to dodge the bolts, then get in one hit, but this manoeuvre is dangerous.

Phase three is a more dangerous version of phase two. Gael can now summon a volley of projectiles. Wherever a projectile lands, a delayed lightning strike would occur. You must constantly be on the move to find safe ground and wait for an opening. A safe window is the delayed thrust as per phase two. Or you can roll through one or two horizontal swings and get in one hit. This is a phase where you must not be greedy and be mindful of your surroundings.

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