Dragon Chaser's Ashes

The Dragon Chaser's Ashes allow you to purchase infinitely many Titanite Chunks from the Shrine Handmaid. You must have already grabbed the gesture "Path of the Dragon" in the area after Oceiros.

Irithyll Dungeon

Start from the Irithyll Dungeon bonfire. Navigate to an elevator, ride the elevator down, and find the location where a bunch of dragon statues sit. Perform the "Path of the Dragon" gesture in a vacant spot between two dragon statues. Wait a few seconds and you would be transported to Archdragon Peak.

Archdragon Peak

Light the Archdragon Peak bonfire. The Ring of Steel Protection boosts your physical defense. It is available in the arena where you fight Ancient Wyvern. At SL1, you do not have enough HP to tank an enemy's attacks. You should be baiting an attack and punish, not playing as a tank. However, the ring is there if you need it. Titanite Chunk x 12 can be collected at Archdragon Peak. Six are on corpses scattered throughout the area. The other 6 are dropped by the second wyvern after you have defeated the Ancient Wyvern.

Ancient Wyvern

SL1 Cheese Ancient Wyvern, Dark Souls III
SL1 Cheese Ancient Wyvern, Dark Souls III

A gimmick boss that can be one-shot by a plunging attack. The intended way is to progress through the area to reach an elevated platform, from which you perform a plunging attack on the boss' head. This route is suicidal because numerous Man Serpents are littered throughout the area. The route can be significantly less dangerous if you cast Hidden Body and equip the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring. There are two ways to get the plunging kill without having to run through the area, but executing each of these can be tricky and requires perfect timing. An easy way to cheese the boss is to stand at a corner, trigger the effect of the Red Tearstone Ring, and use the Avelyn to shoot bolts at the boss' head.

Location of Dragon Chaser's Ashes, Dark Souls III
Location of Dragon Chaser's Ashes, Dark Souls III

Defeat the Ancient Wyvern and make your way to the Great Belfry bonfire. If you have been following Hawkwood's quest line, his summon sign should be near the bonfire. Summon Hawkwood to distract enemies while you sprint to grab the Dragon Chaser's Ashes. Give the Ashes to the Shrine Handmaid and she would sell an unlimited number of Titanite Chunks.

SL1 Cheese a wyvern at Archdragon Peak for Titanite Chunk x 6, Dark Souls III
SL1 Cheese a wyvern at Archdragon Peak for Titanite Chunk x 6, Dark Souls III

How to cheese Havel Knight at SL1, Dark Souls III
How to cheese Havel Knight at SL1, Dark Souls III

Titanite Slab at Archdragon Peak, Dark Souls III
Titanite Slab at Archdragon Peak, Dark Souls III

A Titanite Slab is found above the Great Belfry bonfire. The item is guarded by a Havel Knight. Start by using the the Storyteller's Staff to poison him, then wait for opportunities to throw (Black) Firebombs at him to chip his HP. After the poison wears off, commence the ladder cheese. Throw an Alluring Skull to distract the Havel Knight while you dash towards the ladder and climb down. The knight would follow you down the ladder. Stand near the bottom of the ladder and be ready to perform the weapon art of the Composite Bow to knock the knight off the ladder and cause fall damage. He would most likely survive the fall. In that case, lure him away from the ladder and then climb up the ladder again and wait for him to climb up as well. Rinse and repeat the ladder cheese.

Nameless King

SL1 Nameless King, Dark Souls III
SL1 Nameless King, Dark Souls III

In the first phase, you fight the storm drake, a beast that is weak against lightning. Use the Raw Dragonslayer's Axe+10 or the Raw Broadsword+10, and buff your weapon with Gold Pine Resin. Do not lock on to the drake as doing so can mess up your camera and leave you disoriented. Position your character in front of the drake, but not too close. You have at least two windows to get in one or more hits. When the Nameless King starts charging a lightning attack with his weapon, he would follow up with an overhead attack. Be ready to roll through and toward the neck of the drake and get in at most two hits. The Nameless King does a prolonged attack where he rides the drake while it circles you in the air. Constantly strafe to your right. The King would throw a lightning spear at you, which you must learn to dodge. The drake then slowly circles down and the King would perform a swipe attack. The best time to dodge the swipe is when you see the drake's head near the bottom-right corner of your screen or the drake's beak intersecting your character. Another safe window to attack is when the drake does a fire breath that moves from right to left. As soon as you hear the drake screeching and fire starts coming out of its beak, run to your left and toward the drake's head and get in two or three hits.

The second phase is the trickiest phase. You need to practice this phase to familiarize yourself with the Nameless King's attack patterns. Buff the Raw Broadsword+10 with Human Pine Resin. Stay in front of the boss, but a bit far away, to bait out a number of thrust attacks that allow you to punish. A safe window to get in one hit is when the boss does a delayed thrust. Roll into the thrust and toward the boss, get in one hit, be ready to roll into a second (or third) thrust, and get in another hit. If you are close enough to the boss, you can strafe behind him while he does the delayed thrust, then get in one or two hits. Another safe window to attack is when he rapidly flies diagonally left into the air and performs a thrust attack. Roll into the thrust like before and get in one hit. There is a third thrust attack where he charges at you. Roll into the thrust and get in one hit. The charged two-handed overhead slam provides another safe window for you to strafe behind the boss and get in two hits. The boss would follow up with a one-handed charged lightning stake. You can get in another two hits to (hopefully) stagger the boss, followed by a riposte. If he is not staggered after the two hits, unlock your camera, walk or run away from the boss while looking away from him. By not having the boss in your camera, the charged lightning stake would not hit you.

Defeat the boss, light the Nameless King bonfire, and grab the nearby Titanite Slab.

Demon Ruins

SL1 How to get Toxic Mist, Dark Souls III
SL1 How to get Toxic Mist, Dark Souls III

Purchase Flash Sweat from Cornyx for 1,500 souls. Havel's armour set is available at the location where you fought the Stray Demon atop Farron Keep. The set spawns after you defeated the Havel Knight who guards a Titanite Slab at Archdragon Peak. The Flame Stoneplate Ring can be collected from a corpse hanging from a tree, above the cliff near where Eygon originally appeared. The ring boosts your fire defense. You should now have all equipment necessary to help you grab Toxic Mist.

Toxic Mist is a pyromancy that inflicts toxic on an enemy. Any enemy that can be poisoned is also vulnerable to toxic. Toxic Mist can be used, together with the weapon art of the Storyteller's Staff, to rapidly chip the HP of many strong enemies and some bosses. From the Demon Ruins bonfire, navigate to the first lava pool, which is found near where you collected the Quelana Pyromancy Tome. The first shiny on the lava pool is Toxic Mist. Before attempting to collect the shiny, spend all souls in your souls counter. The journey to the shiny is a suicide run, but you can equip these armour pieces to help you survive the trip to the shiny: Conjurator Hood, Havel's Armor, Antiquated Gloves, and Havel's Leggings. The armour set is too heavy for an SL1 character. Equip these rings to keep your weight ratio below 70%: Prisoner's Chain, Ring of Favor, and Havel's Ring. To further boost your fire defense, equip the Flame Stoneplate Ring, consume a Red Bug Pellet, and cast Flash Sweat. You can survive the run to the first shiny without having to cast Flash Sweat. Equip the Blessed Red and White Shield+8 and the Blessed Caestus+9 for some HP regeneration. Run midway to the shiny and start spam chugging your Estus Flask until you reach the shiny itself. Quickly grab the item and let your character suicide in the lava because you would not be able to return to safe ground.

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