The Still Palace

60. The Still Palace, Salt and Sanctuary
60. The Still Palace, Salt and Sanctuary

This is the final area of the game. You will not find any sanctuary in this area, only a shrine. Do whatever you need to do before fighting the last boss of the game. For example, join all creeds to unlock the various creed-related achievements, complete all quest lines for the quest rewards, farm and hand in materials to the Leader NPC for your rewards, collect any remaining treasures, upgrade your gears to their highest levels, and stock up on consumables.

A passage is located high above the shrine of the area. Ascending the entrance of the passage requires some tricky platforming. The passage leads through an area near Hager's Cavern. You will need to ascend a tunnel, at the top of which is a lever that unlocks a shortcut to the Salt Alkymancery.

Notable loots:

  • Gray Pearl x 2. Dropped by Mimku x 2 in the passage leading to a shortcut to the Salt Alkymancery.
  • Calling Horn x 3. On a platform to the right of the shrine.
  • A King's Orders. Within a treasure chest above the entrance to the area. Use this to max out one of the your armour pieces, if you have not done so already.
  • Chest of Salt

The Nameless God

61. The Nameless God & Salvation ending, Salt and Sanctuary
61. The Nameless God & Salvation ending, Salt and Sanctuary

The final boss of the game and the most difficult boss. The boss does physical damage and primarily takes physical damage. Elemental damage from weapon buffs is not as effective in comparison to other bosses in the game, but this does not mean you should not buff your weapon at all. Equip your highest physical defense armour pieces while remaining below 70% equip load. Buff the Obsidian Pillar VII with any buff you want, e.g. (Imperial) Pitchfire. You will take fall damage when dropping down to the boss arena. Before dropping down, consume a few Red Shards to automatically refill your HP when you enter the boss arena.

Defeat the boss and proceed right, where you have the choice between one of two endings. Falling down the well would initiate the Salvation Ending. Exhausting Scarecrow's dialogue would result in the Dominion Ending. You must play through the game at least two times to unlock all achievements.

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