Hello, world

This tutorial will help you learn computer programming. We will use JavaScript as the programming language and the game Bitburner as the learning environment. Why JavaScript? Why not Python? Or C, C++, Java, Ruby, or some other language? I find JavaScript to be reasonably easy to learn. Python is also easy to learn. However, I have not been able to find a programming game that encourages its players to write, say, Python or Ruby code. Let me know if you encounter such a game for Python or Ruby or another language. The game ByteLegend encourages its players to write Java code. If you prefer Java, give ByteLegend a go.

Why Bitburner? The game encourages you to write JavaScript code, not in a programming language specifically designed for the game. Isn’t that the same purpose as Screeps and Untrusted? Yes. I have spent much more time with Bitburner than I have with Screeps or Untrusted. By all means use Screeps and/or Untrusted to learn JavaScript if you are so inclined. Bitburner offers plenty of challenges for novice and seasoned programmers. It is possible to write JavaScript programs that can automate the whole game for you. Any discussion about how to play Bitburner is incidental to our main goal: use the game to learn how to program in JavaScript.